Your cats work hard. Do they help pay the bills? Well, no, but where they lack in financial contribution, they probably make up for in a million other (more important) ways. Keeping you company in the bathroom, making surprise cameows in your Zoom meetings, and waking you up at the same time every morning by treading on your jugular notch are just a few tasks they purrticularly excel at. There’s also the undeniable fact that they are the cutest babies on the planet, with their smoochable little foreheads and squishy toe beans that can magically cure any bad day.
To show your love and appreciation for your kitties, here are a few ways to pampurr them like the true royalty they are.
Arrange the ultimate catnap setup

Paula Hanaokanna, Unsplash
One of the best feelings is wrapping up in a freshly-laundered towel after a hot shower. While we don’t recommend bathing your cat (you may lose an eye or two), you can replicate that cozy feeling for your cat by creating a little nest with some warm, fluffy towels that are fresh from the dryer. Better than any cat bed from the pet store!
Pour a (cat-friendly) cocktail
Meowgarita Cat Wine by Pet Wine Shop, $4.95 USD, the meowboxshop
This meowgarita may be alcohol-free, but the locally-grown catnip and yellow beets will make an indulgent treat. If you feel like going the extra mile, serve it to kitty in a cocktail glass. Only the best for our babies.
Turn on some calming mewsic
David Teie, an academic and cellist with the National Symphony Orchestra, partnered with animal scientists to create “Music for Cats,” a series that combines feline-centric sounds with music developed for cats’ brains and ears. Emulate the relaxing atmosphere of a real spa (but catified) with our Spaw Day Spotify playlist, featuring tracks from “Music for Cats” and other calming tunes.
Give kitty a meowssage...
Alexander Andrews, Unsplash
According to our recent Instagram poll, 94% of those cat people consider cuddling with their cat as a form of self-care. Why not elevate your cuddle sesh with a feline meowssage? Once kitty seems relaxed, gently rub their head, cheeks, ears, and the spot between their eyes. Since you know your cat best, you probably already know what cues they’ll show when they’re enjoying (or not enjoying) the pets, and what areas to avoid.
...or purrhaps a stretch
If your cat likes massages, they may also appreciate a stretch. When your cat is still groggy right after a long nap and lying in a curled-up position, gently slide your hands underneath their body and lift them just about half an inch. If they're lying on their side, try gently lifting their arms. This may prompt them to take a biiiig stretch. (You'll know the stretch is really good if the toe beans also stretch out).
Take out the cat brush
Cat grooming glove, $11.99 USD, Petsmart
This one might be controversial, as cats seem to either love or despise getting brushed. If your cat falls into the former category, treat them to a few minutes (or however long they’ll tolerate) of brushing. Regular brushing not only helps remove dirt, grease, dead hair and skin flakes, but can be a purrfect time to bond with your kitty.
Treat kitty to new cat goodies!

meowbox subscription, monthly and bi-monthly plans available
The new Kitty Cats on Mats box has all the yoga and meowditation essentials kitty needs to unwind. What melts the stress away like fun toys and delicious treats?