How to Keep Your Cat Cool this Summer

How to Keep Your Cat Cool this Summer

Although many kitties love soaking up the summer sun, exposure to high temperaturesespecially for prolonged periods—can pose serious health risks. According to Animal Emergency Service Australia, senior cats and kittens and flat-faced breeds like Persians and Scottish folds are especially susceptible to heat stroke.

Here are some simple steps to ensure your kitty stays safe and comfortable all summer long!

Keep water bowls full

Drinking enough water is crucial for regulating body temperature. Provide fresh, clean water in multiple locations around your home to ensure your cat always has easy access to hydration, especially during the hot summer months. You can even mix water into their wet food to boost their water intake. 

If your cat doesn't seem to drink very often from their water bowls, consider purchasing a cat fountain as some kitties prefer drinking from a moving water source.

Provide access to cool spaces

Make sure your cat has access to the cooler rooms in your house. This could be a bedroom with an A/C unit, a basement, or a kitchen with tile flooring. Some cats might even enjoy lounging in an empty bathtub or shower. These areas will be a welcome retreat from the heat after basking in the sun.

Keep kitty indoors

To protect kitty from the heat, it’s recommended to keep them inside during heat waves and the hottest times of the day. If you allow your cat outdoor time, make sure their catio or leashed area provides plenty of shade and access to drinking water. Always supervise your cat while they’re outside so you can bring them in when they're ready to cool down.

Make hydrating treats


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One of the most fun (and delicious) ways to help your kitty beat the heat is by offering them a cat-friendly cold treat. Check out these DIY squeeze and freeze treats that your cat won't be able to resist.

Maintain a regular brushing routine

The Bailey Brush, $20 USD, the meowbox shop

Brushing your cat regularly can help keep them cool in the heat, especially if they have long fur. While it may take some trial and error to find a cat brush they like, grooming sessions could become a bonding ritual that you both looking forward to.

Look out for signs of heatstroke 

Signs of feline heatstroke include weakness or collapse, excessive panting, drooling, vomiting and diarrhea. If your cat is showing these signs, bring them into a cool area and contact your veterinarian immediately.

Enjoy all the fun of summer (without worrying about the weather forecast) with the new Sandy Beans Resort meowbox, available for a limited time. 


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