How to Make Frozen Cat Treats at Home

How to Make Frozen Cat Treats at Home

Aah, summer: the season of critter-catching and long catnaps in the sun. Though our kitties seem to love the summertime as much as we do, they probably don’t love the discomfort that can come with super-hot days. In addition to taking all the standard preventative measures to protect kitty from the heat, you can help keep them cool (in the most delicious way possible) with these easy DIY frozen cat treats.

The best part is, making these treats is a two-step process (literally squeeze and freeze), so they’re purrfect for those lazy summer afternoons.

This post is in partnership with Love, Nala.

What you'll need:

😻 Love, Nala mousse treats (we used all three flavours: Chicken, Tuna and Tuna & Salmon)
😻 An ice cube tray
😻Optional: Any kibble cat treats of your choice

Squeeze the Love, Nala mousse treats into the ice cube tray. When each cell is about half full, you can add a kibble treat or two and top it off with more mousse.

To speed up this process (and sneakily boost kitty’s water intake), you can squeeze the mousse into a cup and mix in a few tablespoons of water, then pour the liquid into the ice cube tray.

Once it’s filled, pop the ice cube tray into the freezer for at least one hour.

Let’s see what our tester thinks.

Purrdict: he loves it!

We recommend removing the treats from the ice cube tray and transferring them into a freezer bag for longer and safer storage.

Bon appawtit!

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